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In accordance with the European Data Protection Regulation and the provider’s privacy statement, the beneficiary may exercise his or her right to access, rectify, delete, limit, oppose or request the portability of data concerning him or her by contacting: [email protected]

Personal data protection (GTC)

CASSE MARINE respects the privacy of its customers and undertakes to treat all information it collects that could identify the latter as confidential in accordance with its privacy statement.

The collection of information from the Customer is essential for the completion of the order.

Personal information is kept for the legal retention period and is intended for the persons designated for their processing within the company, as well as for subcontractors, provided that the contract signed between the subcontractors and the data controller mentions the obligations incumbent on the subcontractors with regard to the protection of data security and confidentiality (Article 28 of the European Data Protection Regulation EU 2016/679) and specifies in particular the security objectives that must be achieved.

CASSE MARINE does not transfer data outside the European Union.

Service providers acting on behalf of the company may have access to or communicate all or part of this information for the purposes of the services they provide, but only to the extent necessary to perform the tasks entrusted to them. In this case, CASSE MARINE undertakes to ensure an adequate level of protection for your data and asks its service providers to always act in compliance with applicable laws on the protection of personal data, paying particular attention to the confidentiality and security of such data.

In accordance with the European Personal Data Protection Regulation EU 2016/679 (RGPD), Customers may exercise their right to access, rectify, erase, limit the processing of, object to or request the portability of data concerning them by contacting: [email protected].

The customer also has the right to lodge a complaint with the CNIL.

Data privacy statement

Effective date
November 01, 2022

This Privacy Statement sets out how CASSE MARINE collects, holds, uses and transfers personal information. This Privacy Statement reflects the values and principles upheld by CASSE MARINE.

Section 1. What is the scope of this document?

This Privacy Statement concerns CASSE MARINE.

This Privacy Statement applies only where CASSE MARINE collects or processes personal information for purposes intended by CASSE MARINE and sets out the purposes for which all personal information is processed and how it is processed.

This Privacy Statement does not apply when CASSE MARINE collects or processes personal information on behalf of another company such as CASSE MARINE dealers, suppliers and customers.

The entity concerned which is the “manager” of your data is that with which you have a link, in particular as a customer (the CASSE MARINE company referred to in your purchase order or other agreement with CASSE MARINE), as an employee (the CASSE MARINE company with which you wish to collaborate or have established a link), or as a supplier or subcontractor (the CASSE MARINE company with which you wish to collaborate within the framework of a supplier relationship or already collaborate). CASSE MARINE encourages you to periodically review this Privacy Statement to be informed of any changes.

For convenience, in several sections, this Privacy Statement is organized according to the category of data referred to below. Please note that in some situations, you may not fit exactly into one of the categories (for example, more than one situation may apply to you, or you may not be a CASSE MARINE customer, but the “customer” section may be the most suitable for you).

This Privacy Statement covers the personal information of individuals who are :

  • Applicants for employment or employees of the Company (i.e., personnel and workers) or other persons currently or previously employed to perform work for CASSE MARINE, including temporary employees, interns (collectively, “Employees”) ;
  • Related to CASSE MARINE’s customers, such as customers’ employees, sales representatives and other resellers (collectively the “Customers”);
  • Related to CASSE MARINE’s suppliers, such as suppliers’ employees (temporary workers, staff, contractors, etc.) (collectively the “Suppliers”).

In this Privacy Statement, the term “process” refers to any activity carried out on personal information, including, but not limited to, its collection, storage, modification, transfer or use.

However, this Privacy Statement does not apply to other information (non-personal information) that CASSE MARINE may collect or process.

In addition to this Privacy Statement, certain CASSE MARINE systems or applications and processes may contain their own privacy notices which set out additional provisions regarding the nature of personal information collected and how it is stored, used and transferred.

Section 2. What do we mean by “personal information”?

For the purposes of this Privacy Statement, personal information is any information about a specific individual or that identifies or can identify a specific individual. In other words, any information that may concern you. Some jurisdictions may prohibit or restrict the collection of specific categories of personal information. Subject to local legislation and any attached schedules, examples of personal information we may collect include, but are not limited to:

  • Contact information (e.g. name, address, telephone number, emergency contact information);
  • Social security number or other national/tax identification number;
  • Identification and verification information (e.g. photos, driver’s license, passport, other proof of identity);
  • Information security data (e.g., communications created, stored or transmitted by an individual using CASSE MARINE’s information technology or communications equipment);
  • Information to perform jobs such as, but not limited to, communications, contracts, purchase orders, payments and customer accounts;

Various categories of people may be subject to the collection of additional personal information, including :

Customers or prospects:

  • Business contact information (e.g. company name, address and telephone number);
  • Individual contact information for representatives: (e.g. name, address and telephone number, e-mail address);
  • Billing information (e.g., financial account data, invoices and receipts) ;
  • Information relating to customer relationship management (e.g., information needed to complete a customer profile or to facilitate marketing automation);
  • Repair information (e.g., repair requirements and levels) ;
  • Warranty information (e.g. purchase history, warranty extensions);
  • Information on customer satisfaction.


  • General information (e.g., date of birth, marital status, dependent information, ethnicity and/or nationality);
  • Residency information (e.g. work permit status) ;
  • Information on financial accounts ;
  • Reference information (e.g., letters of recommendation or reference, or reports from previous employers or colleagues);
  • Trade union membership ;
  • Vehicle information (e.g. driving history, vehicle registration, driver’s license number);
  • Information on professional qualifications (e.g. work experience, education); and
  • Employment information (e.g., work history, new hire forms, skills, education and training, performance appraisals, goals, attendance, work absences, leave entitlements and requests, compensation history, work injury and illness reports, disciplinary matters, and grievances).


  • Residency information (e.g. work permit status) ;
  • Information on financial accounts ;
  • Information on professional qualifications (e.g. work experience, education);

Depending on the local legislation in force, certain personal information collected by CASSE MARINE may be considered as “sensitive personal information” (e.g. personal information subject to additional protection).

Furthermore, in certain cases, such as when you are the sole owner of a company, information relating to your company may be deemed to be personal information. This could include business information (e.g. business address), financial account information (e.g. bank account information, business references, financial statements), assets (e.g. property holdings), credit rating, tax identification and diversity classification).

CASSE MARINE may use anonymized (or de-identified) information which is derived from personal information but which, in its anonymized form, cannot be identified as belonging to a specific individual. Such de-identified information is not considered personal information for the purposes of this Privacy Statement and is not covered by it. However, if this information is used or formatted in such a way that it can be identified as belonging to a specific individual, then it will be considered personal information, as the case may be.

Section 3. How does CASSE MARINE collect personal information?

CASSE MARINE collects personal information in various contexts from different categories of people.

Customers or prospects (either directly or, in certain cases, through third parties) may provide personal information as part of their commercial relationship by purchasing, marketing or selling products or services to CASSE MARINE. This includes, for example, the communication of personal information in the context of a proposal, a contract, or the receipt and use of services or products (including repair and warranty services). Throughout the duration of a customer relationship, CASSE MARINE reserves the right to request, where appropriate, other forms of personal information necessary to facilitate the purposes set out below.

Employees may provide personal information directly during the recruitment and integration process, during the term of employment and in some cases, where permitted, at the end of the employment contract. In addition, CASSE MARINE may collect the above information from a third party, for example, when we contact references provided to us by an employee or when we obtain background check information in accordance with our policies and applicable laws as part of a recruitment or employee integration process. Most of this information is provided voluntarily to CASSE MARINE as a condition of employment so that CASSE MARINE can facilitate the management of the relationship between employee and employer, which is vital to our collective success.

Suppliers may provide personal information for the duration of the business relationship in connection with the acquisition, marketing or sale of CASSE MARINE products or services. This includes, for example, the submission of personal information as part of a proposal, contract, receipt and use of services or products. Throughout the duration of a supplier relationship, CASSE MARINE reserves the right to request, where appropriate, other forms of personal information necessary to facilitate the purposes set out below.

CASSE MARINE processes your personal information where it is authorised to do so under current data protection legislation, in particular for the purposes of its legitimate interests, in order to comply with its legal obligations and where you have consented to CASSE MARINE doing so.

In some cases, your consent to the collection of your personal information may be provided in a manner appropriate to the context. In other words, it may be provided orally, in writing, electronically or, where permitted by local law, it may be implied where the purpose is obvious from the circumstances and you provide your personal data voluntarily.

Subject to local laws and what may be stated in the attached country-specific appendices, there may be circumstances under which CASSE MARINE must obtain your express consent. This consent is yours and is completely voluntary. In some cases, you may withdraw your consent to the collection and use of personal data by CASSE MARINE, subject to contractual and legal restrictions and reasonable notice.

Section 4. How does CASSE MARINE use personal information?

CASSE MARINE uses personal information in ways that are consistent with the purposes for which the information was originally collected. This may include use for a purpose that is reasonably related to the original purpose of the collection. CASSE MARINE collects, uses and discloses personal information as an essential part of its operations.

Personal information may also be processed in order to meet legal obligations to which CASSE MARINE is subject, such as filing with government agencies, complying with court orders to provide information, fulfilling contractual obligations and safeguarding CASSE MARINE’s rights and property.

Personal information is vital to our management and administration of relationships with our customers, in the course of business and with our suppliers in general. Subject to local legislation and any attached annexes, personal information is collected from different categories of people for different purposes. We specify below the different purposes for which we collect personal information from customers, suppliers and employees.

What is the purpose of collecting personal information from customers or prospects?

CASSE MARINE uses customers’ personal information to carry out its business operations (e.g., responding to customer orders), to market new products through individual or group communications (e.g., newsletters), to evaluate internal results, to manage customer relationships (e.g., billing and payments), to manage risk and compliance, and to support various administrative functions. The following are examples of personal information that CASSE MARINE may collect from customers and how it may be used:

Examples of personal information

Examples of use

Individual contact information for representatives (e.g. name, address and telephone number).

To communicate with customer representatives and manage the relationship.

Billing information (e.g., financial transaction data, invoices and receipts)

To process customer orders and submit the necessary billing information.

Identification and verification information (e.g. photos, driver’s license, passport, other proof of identity).

To enable physical or remote access to CASSE MARINE facilities and systems (e.g. authentication)

For what purposes is employee personal information collected?

CASSE MARINE uses employees’ personal information to carry out its business operations (e.g., managing access control, security systems and updating personnel directories), to encourage employee development (e.g., training), to support various administrative functions (e.g., managing compensation plans, benefits and vacation schedules), and to manage the operation of its business.

The following are examples of personal information that CASSE MARINE may collect from employees and how it may be used:

Examples of personal information

Examples of use

Contact information for the employee and family members (e.g., name, address, telephone number, emergency contact information).

To communicate with employees and facilitate benefits.

Information on professional qualifications (e.g. work experience, education).

To evaluate and select candidates for a position at CASSE MARINE.

Information on jobs held (e.g. work history, performance appraisals, objectives, attendance, absences from work).

To manage the working relationship

Job-related information (e.g. workplace injuries).

To meet compliance obligations and manage security.

Identification and verification information (e.g. photos, driver’s license, passport, other proof of identity).

To meet compliance obligations and allow physical or remote access to CASSE MARINE facilities and systems, or the use of vehicles.

What is the purpose of collecting personal information from suppliers?

CASSE MARINE uses suppliers’ personal information to perform operational activities (e.g., manage access control and security systems), select and authorize new suppliers, evaluate supplier performance, manage supplier relationships (e.g., invoicing and payments), manage risk and compliance, and support various administrative functions.

The following are examples of personal information that CASSE MARINE may collect from suppliers and how it may be used:

Examples of personal information

Examples of use

Contact information (e.g. name, address, telephone number, emergency contact details).

CASSE MARINE internal lists, a company-wide directory used to communicate with supplier representatives and manage the relationship.

Information on professional qualifications (e.g. work experience, education).

To evaluate and select suppliers.

Section 5. How does CASSE MARINE safeguard personal information?

CASSE MARINE takes reasonable measures, including measures relating to the technological and physical security of information, to protect your personal information. These measures are adapted to the risks posed by the processing of personal information and to the sensitivity of personal information, and take into account the requirements of applicable local legislation. CASSE MARINE requires all individuals to comply with applicable security policies regarding personal information when using CASSE MARINE systems.

Section 6. How long does CASSE MARINE keep my personal information?

CASSE MARINE retains the personal information necessary for the purposes set out above and to comply with its legal obligations, in particular the keeping of records. Our retention of your personal information is, at all times, subject to local legislation. The retention period may be extended beyond the duration of your relationship with CASSE MARINE.

Section 7. How does CASSE MARINE delete personal information?

When personal information is no longer required, or in any case when the legal retention period has expired, it will be destroyed in accordance with current legislation and the procedures established by CASSE MARINE.

Section 8. How does CASSE MARINE transfer or share the personal information it collects?

CASSE MARINE only shares personal information with third parties in ways that are consistent with this Privacy Statement, for the purposes stated above, when required by law, or with your consent. Transfers of information to third parties generally consist of transfers to third-party services for the processing of data for purposes that are consistent with this Privacy Statement. In addition, CASSE MARINE may transfer personal data to third-party data processors for processing as required by law, with your consent or the agreement of a relevant authority. In some territories, the transfer of specifically delimited categories of data or the transfer to certain third parties may require your explicit consent. In all cases, the transfer of personal information is subject to local legislation and the attached appendices.

Where CASSE MARINE shares personal information with third parties responsible for processing it on behalf of CASSE MARINE (e.g. service providers, consultants), CASSE MARINE takes reasonable steps to require such recipients to protect personal information in accordance with applicable laws. The following are examples of third parties with whom we share information for any of the purposes:

  • Vendors, service providers and other partners who support our business, such as the provision of technical infrastructure services;
  • Law enforcement authorities or other government agencies (when required by law; authorized by the customer; to protect CASSE MARINE, a person or property; and to support our business such as in connection with government grant applications);
  • Other third-party service providers who process personal information on behalf of CASSE MARINE;
  • A purchasing entity (or an entity interested in purchasing) in the event that CASSE MARINE sells (or plans to sell) part of its business;
  • (Employees only) providers of medical or financial planning services to employees.

Section 9. What are your rights of access to personal information?

CASSE MARINE makes every effort to keep personal information accurate and complete. You may request and will be given reasonable access to the personal information you have provided to CASSE MARINE and will be able to correct it if necessary. CASSE MARINE’s procedures allow you to access your personal information and to exercise other rights you may have under applicable local law.

Unless prohibited by applicable law or, in some cases, required by applicable law, your right to access your personal information may be limited. Here are some examples of why your access may be restricted:

  • The request is for legal advice and court proceedings;
  • The content of the information may be subject to professional secrecy;
  • Personal information also includes the personal information of a third party who has not consented to its disclosure and whose confidentiality would be compromised by any disclosure;
  • The request is not sufficiently motivated or has already been answered;
  • The request is futile or vexatious;
  • (Employees only) The information may disclose a confidential reference.

CASSE MARINE will take into account the legislation in force when examining requests for access to or modification of personal information held by CASSE MARINE.

If you are a customer or prospect, please contact the person representing CASSE MARINE to whom you have communicated your personal information regarding the appropriate procedure for obtaining access to your personal information.

If you are an employee, please contact your management regarding the appropriate procedure for obtaining access to your personal information. Upon request, and after providing satisfactory proof of identity and meeting any additional requirements established by applicable local law, you will be able to access the personal information you are authorized to view and, where applicable, copy, modify, delete or challenge it in CASSE MARINE’s systems.

If you are a supplier, you may contact the person representing CASSE MARINE, to whom you have communicated your personal information, regarding the appropriate procedure for obtaining access to your personal information.

Section 10. Where can you get more information?

If you have any questions about this Privacy Statement, please send an email to the data controller. If you feel that your personal information has not been handled in accordance with this Privacy Statement, please contact the data controller at [email protected] or call 04 42 85 47 90.

Contact point for data privacy

  • Title: Data controller
  • Name: Florent CASSEGRAIN
  • Telephone: 04 42 85 47 90
  • Email: [email protected]

If you are an employee, you can obtain more information from the data controller.

Section 11. What happens if changes are made to this Privacy Statement?

We reserve the right to modify this Privacy Statement from time to time. When we do so, the changes will be communicated to the persons concerned at that time and we will indicate, at the top of the Privacy Statement, the date on which these changes were made and/or when they come into effect. In some cases, if the changes we make are significant, we may also send you an email or other form of communication telling you about the changes and any choices you have or steps you can take before they take effect. Depending on the nature of the modifications and subject to local legislation, your continued relationship with CASSE MARINE constitutes your acceptance of said modifications.

Data controller



Address or other contact details




22 Boulevard Jean Valensi



[email protected]

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