In a few words…

Casse-Marine simplifies your pleasure boat registration, ensuring legal and worry-free navigation. Our team works with the maritime authorities to keep your documents up to date. Choose efficiency with Casse-Marine for hassle-free title management.

Pleasure boat registration, how does it work?

Sailing with peace of mind starts with the registration of your pleasure boat. Whether you own a new motorboat or have purchased a used jewel of the seas. Every vessel deserves its place in the official yachting directory. At Casse-Marine, we make this process seamless, offering you a simplified experience and quality services.

First Registration or Deregistration: Your Pass to the Seas

Your first French circulation card is more than just a document: it’s your ticket to the vast blue expanses. Our boat registration service takes care of all online procedures, in conjunction with the French Departmental Territorial Authorities and instructing departments.

From the first registration to the necessary updates, so that your registration number is always up to date. Whether your boat is new, imported or unregistered. We take care of declaring your status to the relevant authorities, including the Direction Départementale des Territoires et de la Mer (DDTM).

Pleasure boat registration

Change of Ownership: A New Captain on Board

Administrative Modification: Your Boat, Your Signature

Seawater and Inland Water: Your Territory, Our Expertise

Pleasure boat registration

With our support, selling a yacht is no longer a headache. We ensure that the transition of ownership is seamless. This allows you to quickly obtain a new registration certificate or circulation card. The aim is to make it easier for you to navigate at sea.

Pleasure boat registration

Want to change the engine, home address or even the name of your proud craft? We’ll help you update your yachting card. We take many factors into account, such as hull length and other specifics of your vessel. Our team is on hand to customize your ship to your specifications.

Pleasure boat registration

Whether you prefer the tranquility of inland waters or the call of the open sea. Our registration department is equipped to handle all the administrative details of your navigation. Inland or seawater, our work with the Delegation for the Sea and Territories ensures fast, efficient processing of your maritime requests.

Managing your navigation titles has never been easier. We work in close collaboration with the Delegation of the Sea to assist you with your administrative procedures, guaranteeing simplicity, speed and efficiency. Whether it’s a motorboat, sailboat or jet-ski. We can help you obtain or modify your boat papers.

Why choose Casse-Marine for your boat registration?

  • Less hassle: We take the hassle out of the process.
  • Versatility: Our ropes are suitable for all types of vessels, including small and large motorized watercraft.
  • Speed: prompt handling of your update requests.
  • Personalized follow-up: Ongoing support for your file.
  • Convenience: All procedures are carried out by e-mail, with no need to travel.
  • Efficiency: unfailing availability to meet your needs.

Get started: Your
Mail Update

To start your boat registration, you will need to send us the following documents by e-mail:

  • Double-sided proof of identity of current owners (in case of change).
  • Proof of address less than three months old.
  • Ship’s registration card or charter deed.
Pleasure boat registration

With Casse-Marine, sail towards the horizon in full compliance. Embark on a wave-free update



Did you know? 

The history of boat registration goes back centuries. Every ship had to be registered with the authorities for tax and safety reasons. One of the earliest known ship registration systems was the Act to Register the Property of Ships. Created in 1786 in England to identify ships for tax and control purposes, marking the beginning of official maritime regulations.

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